Историческа реч на Президента Плевнелиев пред Европейския парламент в Страсбург
Discussion at PACE about International Condemnation of the Crimes of Communism, January 25th, 2006 | Текстът на стенограмата на дебатите на български език може да се прочете тук: link.
Народният съд — параван за политическа чистка и терор Лъчезар Тошев, В.Лечител, 5 март 2015г.
В Унгария – памет за комунистическия терор в България Станимир ВАСИЛЕВ, в. Лечител, 2 октомври 2014г. Link 1 | Link 2
Голямо признание от Унгария, мълчание от България, в. Лечител, 31.10.2013г.
Немзети дол – не искаме повече да бъдем роби, в. Лечител, 31.10.2013г.
Методи Андреев: Има съпротива за отпадане на давността за престъпленията на комунистическия режим
Осъждане на престъпленията на комунизма в ПАСЕ – БГ
Форум “Промяна на промяната” – 10.11.2012г. Link 1 | Link 2
Нова книга за първите три години на прехода 1989-1992г.
Снимки от представянето на книгата на проф. Димитър Ненов в Унгарския културен институт на 10 ноември 2014г. може да видите тук: link.
Поклонение в лагера “Белене” на о. Персин
MARGARET THATCHER – 50th Anniversary of Winston Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech / 1996, Fulton
Лъчезар Тошев: Трябва да знаем за престъпленията на тоталитарните режими в Европа 22.08.14
Лъчезар Тошев: Трябва да знаем за престъпленията на тоталитарните режими в Европа
Текстът на стенограмата на дебатите на български език може да се прочете тук: link.
Осъждането на престъпленията на комунизма в ПАСЕ Лъчезар Тошев
- The government changes the directors of roads, investments, agricultire and archives
- Citizens’ initiative for the dismantling of the monument of the Soviet army in Sofia
- A chapel in memoriam of the goryans and the victims of the communist regime was built in Vratsa region
- An article on Holodomor – the disastrous famine in Ukraine, caused by the 1930s Soviet authorities’ absurd economic policies
- An article on little known facts about famine in USSR in general
- Another site dedicated to Golodomor – the genocide of Ukrainian people by the Stalinist Regime (in Ukrainian)
- Archive of the Epoch Times Site, dedicated to the memory of Communist crimes
- Berlin Wall
- Berlin Wall Online
- Bulgarian Communism. Critical Readings (English version available)
- Buryatia – a site dedicated to revealing the struggle of the Buryatian people against Soviet repressions
- Cambodian Genocide Program
- Capital Newspaper website (in Bulgarian)
- Centre for Post-Communist Studies at St. Francis Xavier University (Canada)
- Cold War International History Project
- Cold War Museum
- Collection of Articles on Communist Crimes in different countries and continents
- Commission for the Secret Mass Graves of the Killed After September 12, 1944 (Serbian site) / Komisija za tajne grobnice ubijenih posle 12. septembra 1944
- Communist Crimes – Latvian site on Communist crimes (Latvian and English versions available)
- Decommunization (English Version available)
- Digital Archive of Cambodian Holocaust Survivors
- Digging Out the Truth / The First Exhumation of Secret Mass Graves Resulting From Crimes of the Communist Regime in Serbia [OTKOPAVANJE ISTINE / PRVA EKSHUMACIJA TAJNE GROBNICE KOMUNISTIČKIH ZLOČINA U SRBIJI]
- Dnevnik Newspaper
- East German Propaganda – documents, materials (includes materials from the Nazi regime period)
- Ethiopian Communism and Fascism Holocaust Museum Homepage
- Fascism and Communism/Socialism
- Forgotten Odyssey – documentary on repressions of Polish Citizens by the USSR after 1940
- Free Cuba Foundation
- Genocide and Resistance Research Centre in Lithuania.
- The Goryani Faces – An Exhibition on the Goryani resistance movement against Communist oppression in Bulgaria by Kostadin Sabev
- Gulag – Forced Labor Camps – on-line exhibition
- GULAG – Soviet Forced Labor Camps and the Struggle for Freedom
- Gulag Study Support Documents Database site
- Holocaust – in Comparative and Historical Perspective
- Hoover Library and Archive site (contains approximately 750,000 publication on major historical events and figures)
- How Many Did Communist Regimes Murder – an essay by R. J. Rummel
- INFOUkes – an Ukrainian News Site (in English)
- Institute for Studies of the Recent Past dedicated to the objective study of the Communist Regime in Bulgaria 1944-1989 and modern times (in Bulgarian, English version available)
- Institute for Totalitarian Regime Studies (in English and Czech)
- Institute of Contemporary History in the Czech Republic (English version available)
- Karta Center in Poland – documenting and popularizing recent history of Poland and other East European countries
- Katyn Forrest Massacre of Poles by Soviet Troops
- KGB Cells Museum in Estonia, consecrated to some 122,000 victims of the USSR regime and its oppression instrument – KGB
- KGB in the Baltic States – Documents and Researches
- Killingfields Museum
- Kremlin Archives. The Politburo and the Church 1922-1925 (in Russian)
- Laogai Research Foundation – focuses on Human Rights abuses in China
- Martyrs of Faith in the USSR – a Russian documentary on brutal repressions against believers from various religions
- Mediapool – current news from Bulgaria
- Memorial – A Russian site containing a number of documents on the repressions of the USSR regime and Putin’s current regime in modern Russia (in Russian)
- Memorial – International Historical Enlightenment, Human Rights and Humanitarian Society (in Russian)
- Memorial GLORIA VICTIS homepage – consecrated to the victims of the Hungarian Uprising of 1956 and to over 100 million victims of Communism worldwide
- Memorial site of Zdravka Rakova including several of her articles related to the true face of the Communist Regime in Bulgaria (in Bulgarian)
- Moscow Helsinki Group (MHG) Website (English version available)
- Museum of Communism – discusses the origin and the threats of Communism to Humanity (English version available)
- Museum of Communism (Czech and English versions available)
- Museum of Genocide Victims in Lithuania – the official site of the Museum and brief account of the repressions of the Soviet Regime in Lithuania
- Museum of Occupations by the Kistler-Ritso Estonian Foundation in Latvia
- Open Society Archives at Central European University
- Oshte Newspaper – on-line version (in Bulgarian)
- Popieluszko (in Polish) a site dedicated to a Polish priest, murdered by the authorities
- Powerkills – a site dedicated to those who are not yet living in freedom
- Pro&Anti newspaper (in Bulgarian)
- Professor Kalman Brattman’s Great Escape from Communist Romania in the 1960s
- Radio France Internationale News for Bulgaria (in Bulgarian)
- Revelations from the Russian Archives
- Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall
- Site that aims at revealing the true face of the Communist Regime in Cuba
- Site dedicated to the Martyrs of Communism from Russia and the former Soviet Union (in Russian) – http://www.martyr.ru/
- Sites dedicated to the Polish citizens who were killed, deported, or enslaved by the Soviet Union during World War II – http://www.Kresy-Siberia.org, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Kresy-Siberia/
- Society for the Commemoration of the Graves of Victims from Before and After World War II in Croatia
- Stalinka – a site that contains a great number of digital photos related to Stalin and his anti-human regime
- State Security – Specialized Bulgarian Site for Clean Past and Transparent Future (Държавна Сигурност – Специализиран сайт за чисто минало и прозрачно бъдеще, in Bulgarian)
- Svedectvi – a site in Slovak that contains documents and facts on Communist crimes in Czechoslovakia and elsewhere
- The Soviet Archive (in Russian) – a site with a lot of authentic documents on the Soviet Regime
- The Temple of New Martyrs and Confessors in Butovo (in Russian)
- U.S. Committee for Human Rights in North Korea
- Union der Opferverbande Kommunistischer Gewaltherrschaft
- Union for Political Knowledge (Memory) of the Czech Republic
- Unofficial Report Condemning the Communist Regime in Romania (1945-1989) as Illegitimate and Criminal
- Uprising in Eastern Germany of June and July 1953 (in German)
- Victims of Communism Memorial (Swedish and English)
- Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation in Washington DC
- Vilnius International Public Tribunal on the Evaluation of Crimes of Communism
- Virtual Museum of the Gulag
- Vyatlag: the Gulag then and now
- Wringer Collection – a collection of interviews of former USSR POWs that sheds light on little known aspects of the Soviet Totalitarian Regime
- Zdravko Tsankov Forum